About Me
Hi There!
My name is Lucy Dickie and I have created this recipe blog with the initial inquiry equation How can I make recipes from every continent and create an online food blog to educate myself and others on cultures from around the world and how can this be beneficial to a community? as a way to demonstrate my learnings as I try out recipes from different countries all around the world. My goal is to explore the cultural significance and origin of each dish that I make and use this to expand my knowledge of the world and countries I currently know little to nothing about. My next step is to use this platform to share the understanding I gain with others and help educate those around me on the topic as well since it is something I believe can be truly beneficial to someone personally but also to a community and the world as a whole. I have chosen to use food as my root since cooking and baking is not only something I enjoy spending time on while being a life skill, but it also ties so deeply into many cultures and due to its significance is a great place to start when learning about a country. I hope you enjoy my blog and are ready to dive in and learn with me on my journey!